Friday 21 May 2021

2021 Trimester 1 Reflection

 2021 so far has been a exciting and fun year, My class Adrenaline has been the class I most enjoy as we get to, go out of school and do fun activities such as we have done: Surfing,Mountain biking, Farm walk and Adventure race. The adventure race was so far the toughest and 

All In this to gather: was and alright class as we basically started making presentations from week 9. Most of the time I just listened to music and sat and talked with friends

Game maker: Game maker was an amazing class as My group did Physical education On  Monday to Wednesday, and maths and the same people who I sat with In the class "All In this together". The teachers were kind and understanding about How I couldn't present my presentation and how I couldnt do physical education 


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