Friday 19 March 2021


 My 3 Strengths are Bravery,Perseverance and Social intelligence


Bravery: I have shown bravery while facing my challenges and going through pain.

Perseverance: I have perseverance, I don't give up while facing my goals because I am a hard worker.  

Social Intelligence: I am very social intelligent while It comes to knowing everyone around me and knowing what they feel like and what there habits are after I have been around them for awhile.

Friday 12 March 2021

12/03/2021 Friday well being blog

Nothing quite interesting  happened since from last week. However I played a cricket game on wednesday afternoon It was campion green  vs campion nobles. We had a fun and tough game and at the end we managed to win with having 160 runs, the other team with 102 runs. I also had done a presentation on how Manaakitanga is shown on my class ''ALL IN THIS TOGETHER''. All though I am not done but I can say I have gotten the correct information and I do need to add more images and animation.

Powtoon Presention On Manaakitanga 

 All I can say Is that I have worked hard on everything this week and I am appreciating the learning that I am Enhancing.

I also had been to the hospital this week to get my knee

checked. This Is the image from the hospital.

This Is quiet literally my week and I hope ITs way exciting next week. 

Friday 5 March 2021

2021: How's It Going So Far

 My year 2021 has been very boring and very enjoyable, The enjoyable part Is that I have been contact with my friends online on my phone and In school and playing my favourite sports and going to the park and playing video games. My classes have been going good so far however we've had to do somethings like surfing and presenting I've been nervous and excited for the 2 things That I have done and I hope I can advance my skill for those 2 The first time I did surfing  I crashed Into the waves so many times and nearly drowned 2 times however now I am not drowning and I can surf standing up for 3 seconds, and with the presentation. My group had nailed It quite good my voice was loud and clear although I did not make eye contact. The most  Unpleasant things were the covid -19 and the tsunami warnings like the one below. There has been at least 4 warnings this morning and a earthquake at 2am which made me come out of sleep and had me be awake for 5 hours because after the quake I could not sleep again! So far 2021 Has been good and I hope It stays good!