Friday 8 November 2019

Non-Stop Cricket Reflection

1. What safety management strategies did you use when playing non-stop cricket?
Moved to the front of the school because it was hot on the field & there were some shade with the trees.We betted in the shade. Wearing sun block,Hat & sunglasses.
2. Explain what a risk is and give three examples of risks from non-stop cricket (Try and give one from each category).
Explanation:A risk is what you are taking that might be dangerous to you or someone.
People :getting sunburnt, getting a heat stroke, crashing into each other.
Equipment: slippery bat handle,heavy bat,no sunblock.
Environment: hot grass, crash in a tree,wind blows to hard ball can fly away.
3. It was very hot during non-stop cricket the other day, how did you keep yourself safe during the hot weather? What more could you have done?
wear hat,sunblock,glasses,was in the shade waiting on the batter to get out.

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