Thursday 14 November 2019

My SPNZ Inquiry Around South Africa

My Inquiry is about looking into the rugby world cup & my country that I picked was south africa. I've been writing about the traditions, there favourite sport & their population, and why they like rugby so much in south africa! I have learnt so much about south africa.

Friday 8 November 2019

Non-Stop Cricket Reflection

1. What safety management strategies did you use when playing non-stop cricket?
Moved to the front of the school because it was hot on the field & there were some shade with the trees.We betted in the shade. Wearing sun block,Hat & sunglasses.
2. Explain what a risk is and give three examples of risks from non-stop cricket (Try and give one from each category).
Explanation:A risk is what you are taking that might be dangerous to you or someone.
People :getting sunburnt, getting a heat stroke, crashing into each other.
Equipment: slippery bat handle,heavy bat,no sunblock.
Environment: hot grass, crash in a tree,wind blows to hard ball can fly away.
3. It was very hot during non-stop cricket the other day, how did you keep yourself safe during the hot weather? What more could you have done?
wear hat,sunblock,glasses,was in the shade waiting on the batter to get out.

Monday 4 November 2019

Friday 25 October 2019

reflection on RAMS form!!

RAMS Form reflection

1.Its important to have a RAMS form because in cause of and emergency we will know how to act and no one will be in trouble, Also we will not panic if any emergencies will happen

2.You would use a rams form in a serious situation like: getting lost in a forest, a bus crash, someone breaks fractures or even bruises there body parts, a RAM's form is really important! 

3.We included name, the date, the location, the helpers that were going with us & the emergency plans also the students the year levels and the teacher.

4. the 3 categories are People, environment & equipment.

Monday 21 October 2019

Monday 14 October 2019

My Example Of Prudence

Sir Isaac Newton always knew how to get his work done, He worked hard everyday to make his maths and science strong. ,He knew what had to be done!He is one of the people I know who has prudence.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

St Paul Magician struck blind!!

I learnt about St Paul's journey, I picked this one which is called "magician struck blind." There is a magician called Barnabas & hes a evil but intelligent man. One day he get's blinded by St Paul, after he figures out that Barnabas is an evil man!!

Thursday 1 August 2019


 My aeroplane went 8 meters & that is my original plane. I  made it better by making my plane strate
and evening the wings, I also  tried to make it lighter!

Thursday 13 June 2019

Alice doing the round kick

Alice is doing the round kick, one of the 4 basics

Alice is doing the back kick

Alice is doing the back kick, one of the 4 basic kicks!

Alice is doing the sidekick

Alice is doing the sidekick, one of the 4 basic kick's

Alice doing the front kick

This is Alice doing the front kick, One of the 4 basic kicks!

Monday 27 May 2019

Savior Number Plate

We basically had to pick a name for Jesus, It had to be around 6,5 or 7 words. And then we made it like a number plate!

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Jesus Resurrection Poster

Jesus Resurrection Poster

He proved that he was really gods son, so the people knew god was special. He never lost hope in teaching the people, about god, & nowadays teachers don't give up teaching about god

Monday 29 April 2019

Monday 8 April 2019

Term Reflection

This term, has been excellent.

 Everyone has been very nice. People have been supportive, The classes are going well.

The negative things, that have been going on is nothing!!

Mufti, playing on the playground, some of the classes & Buying food from the cafe!

Learning about the galaxy.

What has been you're favourite experiment so far, in Infinity & beyond ?

Monday 1 April 2019

Mary Mackillop timeline.

I enjoyed doing this activity, I learned lots of stuff about her, Even when she died. She was born on 1842 & died in 1909. She was a teacher & a loving person. She went to New Zealand in 1883, She opened lots of schools. I had to write & draw about her.

Monday 25 March 2019

On Thursday we went to the lab to do an experiment. We tested the reaction to a bunch of metal, calcium was the one that reacted the most to the 6 metals that i had . All of them did not react that much to the hot water or cold.They were shaking in hot water &water vapour even came out on some.

Did you know that water cant go over 100 degrees Celsius 

Monday 11 March 2019

Water Experiment

We went to the lab on Thursday morning. We had a beaker, Bunsen burner, tripod , gauze mat,goggles
, stopwatch and thermometer.Mrs McCulloh told us what to do than she picked a group of three people to be partners,in my group there was Luka, Janhi and I.We were boiling hot water every 30 seconds  We found out that water can boil over 100 degrees .Water boils at 100 degrees.Water can be heated over 100c.

Prayer ideas

1.Pray for the poor to have shelter,food and a job. 2. Please let the poor to have a wonderful life,Let them be nice people who,love,trust,forgive and work to have a normal life.