Friday 27 November 2020

Week 9 reflections


  1. Do you feel your team has worked well together? How so? 

I do believe my team has worked very well, they have helped me to do tasks and we have showed teamwork and hard working, we never gave up during our project and we were not goofing of while making it. 
  1. What have you done to get over difficulties or challenges? 

How I managed to get over difficulties and challenges were asking my team mates for help and the teacher as well
  1. How has your teacher helped you to become business prepared for market day? 

They have been yelling at us to do our work and we have been totally focused to do our work  
  1. List all the things you need to bring with you for market day next Friday We need to bring bags for the driftwood and smaller bags for the candles 

We Finished Our Product!!!

 Today we finished our product and chived them as well. Today we completed 3 driftwood and my favourite one must be the one on the far right! It has so many holes and it looks very clean, and with the candles in it looks more beautiful. We will know be planning on how to sell it and are also planning on completing our poster and deciding where we should get our bags from, for putting the wood in and selling it, we might also have our candles in a different packaging as it has a chance of falling if on the wood and getting crushed which is not good. we are deciding to sell the big ones for about $15 and the small ones for atleast $10 or $12 and if next week we have time I will go to the workshop and grab the wood which is full of sand and grab a wet paint brush and clean it of or maybe without water.

Week 9 morning planning

 Today we brought more driftwood from the beach and today we are planning to complete making it today, so next week we can do packaging and how to set it up and posters. So we will be shiving and making holes in the wood,Joe and Gagan will be making holes and I will be shiving. And we will probably try to make the posters today if we have time.

Friday 20 November 2020

Week 8 reflections

  1. How do you think you have used your time today?

I have used my time very well and so have my teammates. Because we sort of finished chiving out wood, The only chiving we have to do is the one. That I will have to go to the beach and collect the driftwood and make holes clean it up.  

  1. What has been your biggest achievement today? 

Our biggest achievement for today was thinking and talking about how we will be selling our product, We thought of putting the driftwood in the paper bag and the candles will be separate in a smaller packaging. Our large wood will be for $18 and our small wood will be for $12.
  1. What do you need to do to make sure you will be on task for next week? 


Week 8 Morning Planning

 Today were going to be chiving all of our wood and try to make it clean, we cant do to much as we don't have any more wood. As I went to the beach yesterday afternoon the rain had ruined all the wood and it did become soggy, so tomorrow if it's a sunny day .Ill go there to check for more driftwood.  

Friday 13 November 2020

Prep Reflection Week 7


  1. How do you think you have used your time today?

We have used our time really well. because we made our products and are planning to get more driftwood from the beach and we problem solved well and did good teamwork, we completed the angels on the wood so it is straight.  

  1. What has been your biggest achievement today

We figured out how to fix the holes which were on the driftwood by getting help by Mr Ventor and he also gave us some wood to put under the wood as it is being drilled so it wont move

  1. Name someone in your class (from another group) who you think is making a cool product. What is their product and why do you think it will sell. I really like Izans groups products and it is coasters I think it's cool cause it is shaped perfectly and is coloured with dark brown, It will sell good as it looks beautiful.

  1. What do you need to do to make sure you will be on task for next week?  Next week we will be drilling holes on to the driftwood and fix any angels, If there will be. ANd we also have to collect the driftwood from the beach.

Week 7 Morning planning

 Today we will be finishing our product and fix the angels of the driftwood cause they are not straight and have a chance  of the candles falling out with  it being lit, And after fixing three angels  we will start putting more holes on the driftwood and start collecting more driftwood after    

Friday 6 November 2020

Week 6 reflection of PREP

  I believe that my group used our time very very well because we are technically done however we need to put a twig and drill the pieces of the driftwood a bit more so it's not on a angle. My biggest achievement for today was that we managed to get done with our  project and that it look's so beautiful.  The coolest project that that i have found cool was owen's group, and it is a coaster, the cool thing about it any why it is going to sell well is going to be because it is made out of a tree so a mini tree cut to make a coaster. Were going to be fixing the angle of our driftwood and that is all we have to do.

Morning planning week 6

So today me and my partners will start on go to the workshop to work on our product. Each have a duty and it will be Gagan and Joe creating holes in the driftwood and I will be chiseling  the holes so it can be smooth and steady, we will spend at least 2 blocks on this project as we are nearly done with this project, and at block 3 we will think about marketing our product.