Friday 30 October 2020

Week 4 reflections

 1.Today went well because we got to start on our driftwood and we got to make a prototype and our final presentation as well we will possibly be done by  2 weeks all we have to do is maybe oil it to make it a natural and darker look because of our team work we managed to complete 2.

2.What I found difficult was trying to hold down the driftwood while it with being drilled, we all had to put pressure while we drilled on we managed to overcome it was to imply pressure with me and my friend joe holding it down.

3. Business terms that we learned were, You need to have a prototype before you complete the final product as practicing, NOT to sit around and work as a team to complete stuff, And need to have everything planned out before doing anything 

4. Next week we need to get more driftwood as the 4 were not good, and  working as a team so we all have a job and finish everything

5. Pictures 


Plan Friday 30th October

Plan for today will be, Making our product as we have all the equipment needed and have a video that explains how to make the product. We will need A, Shive to remove the excess wood off after drilling the holes in the driftwood, and the machine that makes holes in the driftwood, a pencil for measuring and where we will drill, and I would  say that's all, we 3 will have roles during this, joe and gagan will be making holes and I will be shiving 

Photos of my driftwood


       This is our driftwood and a few more with joe that we will use for our making of tealight driftwoods, In this photo it is smaller than it looks, however i a sure you that its bigger! And that its wet in the photo because i watched the sand of the driftwoods.  

Friday 23 October 2020

Week 3 reflection questions


Today we were all prepared and asked to go to the woodwork room to make a prototype of a driftwood hanger we figured it out how we were going to make it and how we were going to sell it and how much money we need to make! We also thought of a design for our driftwood hanger.  There was one difficult thing that we had to do and that it also ruined ours moods, but we actually thought it was a good idea and that was changing our product! We were in the woodwork room and a teacher came and said we should change it because it was quite difficult to make and i agreed. so we changed it into driftwood tea lights and to be honest it was quiet beautiful. For the three business terms that i learnt that was, quality work that was all tbh. Next week when it's week 4 I should collect driftwood on this Sunday and bring it on Thursday and also buy tea lights.  

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Driftwood hangers PLANNING


So we are currently planning on collecting the driftwood, so we had an idea that on Sunday on the 25th of the October we are going to go to the waikanae beach to collect driftwood we will collect approximately 10 driftwood and we will also collect 40 pieces of sticks to have it drilled on the wood and make it into a hanger, We will be there at 2pm in the afternoon, we will be there for 1 to 3 hours to collect the best wood! We will transfer the materials we need from Gagan and I's bike and joe will take it in his vehicle with his dad giving us company.( Me and Gagan are trained pro's so we will be safe taking the wood!) We will take the wood to school with a bag and store it in the woodwork room. With our logo we will glue it on the bottom giving pride of our work. Driftwood is a natural resource sustainability because Millions of pieces come from the ocean and as the government is getting sick of it, we can collect some. And that it is a wood that doesn't get cut of the trees and is harmful